Thursday, July 10, 2008


Andrew is recovering from his surgery, and is finally on "sips." This means that he is allowed to take very very small sips of clear liquids. He's been taking it really slow, despite the fact that his throat is dry. I think that's good, so he will heal okay.

I have a presentation on Garth Nix (one of my favorite authors) on Friday. I'm supposed to tell about how his life affected his writing, and make a handout. I think it will turn out pretty well.

In other news, yesterday was Tayton Fuja's birthday! I can't believe he's two. Happy birthday, little cousin!~

Today we got a new trainee at work. Listen to this...her name is Brooke! Teehee. Anyway, I love training people because it lets me feel smart, but I always feel like I'm overloading them with information. I remember when I started work here. I was so overwhelmed! With the prices, the machines, the customers...Now, two years later, everything is sort of old hat. Once in a while you'll get a job that surprises you or that you really have to think hard about, but not very often.

I'll get back to work now. Bye!

Work Progress:
Ch. 6...stuck
C.B.A.C.I.T.: Conceptualizing, Ch. 1...stuck
Backstage Angel: Conceptualizing...back burner
Ananda M.G. Project: Art Approval Pending
Mike Text Vid: Clips ordered, working on text
D&W Cross-stitch: Stuck, back burner

1 comment:

Ryann Pinnegar said...

Nix is cool! Can I get a copy of your handout? and maybe a copy of your notes?