Monday, January 30, 2012

10 pts if you remember his name without looking!

I didn't make this cupcake; a mom brought it in for Beauty and the Beast fairy tale Friday. I got to eat it, though, and can tell you pretty much what the components are. It seems pretty simple! Since I assume most of you can follow cake mix directions to make a chocolate cupcake I'll just list what each part is.

Base: Chocolate cupcake, orange frosting
Mouth: Twizzlers Pull n' Peel
Nose: Orange Smartie
Eyes: Squished marshmallows and chocolate pieces
Eyebrows, moustache: Black frosting
Hair: Flattened tootsie rolls, almond sliver

SUPER cute and the kids loved it! Bless this mother who made 30 of these cupcakes to be devoured in minutes! Oh, and by the way they were YUMMY!

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