Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Week

I started work at EC on Tuesday, and I must say I'm enjoying my job very much! I'm working in the Kindergarten with Mrs. T. She has 30 students per class, which makes 60 students total. I monitor student progress, take over in a pinch, and prepare any materials needed for lessons. The kids are sweet, and the work is right up my alley. The hours are nice, too. ;-)

Sunday I was called to be a ward missionary, and I'm a little nervous about it. Hopefully I'll do my best and it will be enough. I find out who my companion is tomorrow!

Tuesday, as you know, I started my job. It went fantastically, but towards the end of the day I started on a headache. Being the silly that I am, I hadn't brought any ibuprofen. By the time I started to drive home, I had a roaring migraine. The combination of stress, little sleep, no lunch and little water brought me to a fog of pain that made it very hard to drive. I was literally praying that I'd be able to make it home without an accident. Coming home, I was so much in pain! Nothing made it better, so I finally asked Andrew to give me a priesthood blessing. He called a brother across the way, and after the blessing I was finally able to sleep. A few hours sleep fixed me up just fine. Thank Heaven for the power of the priesthood, and that Andrew was home and able to give me the blessing!

You may be wondering about the balloon pig. ;-) Fridays in Mrs. T's class are Fairy Tale Fridays. We get to have a parent come in, read a story and do an activity with the class. In the morning the parent made stick puppets with the kids. They had so much fun! This was their first time using liquid glue, however, and the parent didn't take into account...well...let's just say we had a bit of a mess! ^_^ In the afternoon, a mom came in and made balloon pigs, read the story and had the kids make faces on their own balloons. So much fun!

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