Saturday, November 26, 2011


One of the hard things about doing beauty reviews is finding things to review! Unless you get suggestions (which I'm open to, by the way) you have to decide which out of the many appealing makeups and treatments to buy and review.

I've been looking into monthly makeup services such as Birchbox, but the items I saw in reviews just didn't appeal to me. I don't use hair or face oils much, nor anti-aging treatments...So I was thrilled when Michelle Phan announced her new My Glam service! Her boxes seem to contain items more to my taste, although there might be fewer, and she uses closer to full-size items. Like Birchbox, her boxes only cost $10 and you can subscribe monthly or yearly. I've ordered a box for December, and I'll review it as soon as it gets here. I'm excited to have a monthly makeup surprise! She also periodically puts up instructional videos on how to use the makeup in the boxes, which is great. I don't think there's as much variety and surprise factor in Michelle's boxes, but I'll let you know once I get one.

Ad picture for Michelle Phan's MyGlam bag.

Yay for new stuff!

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