I'm typing this from Andrew's hospital room. He was finally able to sleep, as was Grandma. He's doing fairly well, drinking clear liquids (if you call sips drinking...I do), and walking a lot. He had called for some of his pain medication just before going to sleep, and the nurse who brought it (Ed) was very...talkative. He told us about the thymus, and a bunch of things that quite frankly we had heard before. Andrew was getting antsy because he wanted to sleep, and this nurse just kept talking. Finally, the nurse left. Andrew gave the door a sardonic look, before flinging his arm over his eyes and asking "Wasn't there a talking horse named Ed?" Grandma and I burst out laughing, but Andrew was oblivious...he was asleep.
Not all that much happened today. I did my presentation on Garth Nix, which went fairly well. I also found out that apparently my Children's Lit class ends on July 25th. My first reaction was panic, because I thought that was when the University term ended. That's fairly soon, and I was worried that Andrew might not be able to catch up in that little time. However, I checked the University schedule, and term doesn't end until August 11th. Now I'm happy, because that gives me 2 weeks without my 8 o'clock class...good time to get things done. That is, if the teacher doesn't revise the schedule. *shrug*
Anyway, that's about it. School, work, hospital. Eso es la vida! (Can't figure out how to get an upside-down exclamation point. What's the Spanish term for that?)
Dini: 2 more paragraphs on Ch. 6, and another snippet that I'll put in later
C.B.A.C.U.T: Still threatens to be what its title says it is
Backstage Angel: On back burner, unfortunately
Xen MG Project: Art still pending approval
Mike text vid: Hope to have it out tomorrow, hospital permitting
DW Cross-stitch: Still waiting. Maybe I'll have it done in time for Spencer's graduation.
Hey Beth!
Thanks for the updates on Andrew. Good to here he's improving. I can't wait to see you all next week! Love, Madison
P.S. Now that he's getting better you sould post a smiling picture. =)
Upsidown Exclamation Point: ¡ alt + 0161 I don't remember what it's called though....
an article on wiki says it is an Inverted exclamation point but I'm pretty sure that isn't what it's called in Spanish.
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