Okay. Triumph! My project of the day was finding...was it Ryann? Sorry, gals, that day is so mixed up for me I don't remember which one of you said you subscribed to my blog. I figured the least I could do is subscribe to yours. By the way, thanks for the tip about Google Reader. Anyway, I couldn't do it the easy way and ask for the url. Nope, I got to be miss Nancy Drew and search for it! I found lostboy's first, and was reasonably sure that the Ryann he was talking about was my Ryann...but reasonably sure usually doesn't cut it over the internet. So I went looking for Ryanns (since he doesn't have a link to it, silly boy), and found it! SUCCESS!
Now I have an inferiority complex, because I read some of his posts, and he is way cool. I mean, his blog is. I wish I were one of those people who can write creative things like that, and make my life seem interesting...but right now...not much to tell. I've never really been one to keep up on recent events (the news was a banned subject in my house because it's too depressing)...
So I'm going to try and be creative...Oh, someone wrote a letter into the university newspaper about how the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Myers is pornography. They say it "creates unrealistic expectations" for girls concerning boys. I can just imagine this person's girlfriend reading the series, putting it down, looking at her slightly lazy boyfriend and saying, "Why can't you be more like that?"
Anyway, it's completely ridiculous, no? First of all, look at the definition of pornography. Dictionary.com defines it as: "Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." Well, the Twilight series is definitely not that. So let's look at a less secular source: LDS.org.
LDS.org states that pornography is: "Pornography is any material depicting or describing the human body or sexual conduct in a way that arouses sexual feelings." The Twilight series doesn't do that either.
I suppose I can see where the person is coming from. 1) There is a talk about why pornography is bad, one of the reasons being that is creates unrealistic sexual expectations. This letter-writer seems to have generalized that to all expectations. 2) One of the main characters clearly wants to have sex without marriage. I don't agree with that, but that does not make the books pornography. 3) Descriptions of kisses are aimed to give warm fuzzies, or make kissing sound really good. But it never goes any farther than a kiss.
Honestly, if the Twilight books are pornography (raising expectations being the only qualification for pornography according to the letter writer), so are half the books written. What young girl hasn't expected her husband-to-be to be a Prince Charming, like in Cinderella? What girl hasn't wished at one time or another for a boyfriend like so-and-so from such-and-such? Honestly, girls naturally have unrealistic expectations about romantic things. They dream about a spectacular first kiss, a romantic boyfriend, an amazing proposal, and an idyllic life. Does that mean that girls are naturally pornographic?
I strongly suggest that the letter writer re-examine what the General Authorities have said about pornography. His comments are ridiculous!
Anyway, I have to get to work.
Hey Beth,
I agree with your post. I read the Twilight series and really enjoyed it. Not once did I feel like I was reading something wrong and needed to put it down. Glad you feel the same way.
-Shayna :)
It was me! Did you find my blog? There are actually two of me - one is currently at BYU-Idaho I think. I wonder if I'm related to her...?
Anyway, just in case you didn't find it: shootingstarchild.blogspot
Also, I think Twilight does create unrealistic expectation - but not necessarily sexual expectation. Fortunately for me Lost Boy is just as amazing as Edward Cullen (though not as fast, etc). Sometimes I get caught up in how perfect Edward is - Lost Boy is mortal, after all. Lost Boy doesn't seem mind too much when I tell him he's as great as EC, although for a while he couldn't figure out what us girls think is so great about him...
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