Okay, so! (Yes, I know that's not a full sentence.)
Andrew is home and doing absolutely great. He's even feeling well enough to threaten me with pain if I post another picture of him on the blog. Ha!
This week a lot happened. Friday, everybody helped move Daniel and Wendy's stuff from G-ma's house into their big moving van.
Saturday, Mommy and I helped Daniel and Wendy finish moving their stuff at their house. Then Catherine, Mommy and I went swimming with the Iowa Fujas. Tayton and Catherine had great fun, and he now loves to visit with "Caff-vroom," as he calls her!
Sunday was little cousin Spencer's baby blessing, which was great. We had the tent set up in the front yard and had lunch afterwards. The wind kicked up, and everybody had fun playing "Hang On to Your Plate or Wear Your Lunch." Only two people I know of actually ended up wearing their lunch, but it was fun to watch. Later, we played other more conventional games. I taught the younger children some clapping games such as "C-C-O Playmate," and "A Sailor Went to Sea," and then "One Potata, Two Potata" and "Jen Keng Pon" (my Japanese spelling is atrocious, it's sort of a Japanese Rock Paper Scissors). Then they taught me their version of One Potata, called "Bubblegum." It's played with the skipping rope rhyme, tapping each hand as they say the rhyme. The person whose hand it ends on chooses the number of "pieces," and then they count that number, tapping the hands in the circle again. The last hand is out. We all played "Down by the Banks." Then...was it Erin or Kenya...I don't remember...one of them (I think Kenya) taught us a game called "Tic Tac Toe." This is how to play:
1) Put both hands together in a "prayer" position (flat vertically, palms together). "Brush" hands back and forth with the other player, chanting: "Tic Tac Toe, Give me an X, Give me an O. Give me a three in a row."
2) Play Rock Paper Scissors.
3) The loser bends his/her head, exposing their neck. The winner pokes their neck with a finger.
4) The loser tries to guess the finger they were poked with. If they guess right, they win. If they guess wrong, they lose.
5) The loser holds out an arm. The winner bangs their wrist, elbow joint, shoulder, elbow joint, wrist, etc. chanting: "I win, you lose, now you get a big bruise." (Or, depending if the winner wants to end somewhere different: "...a big fat bruise," or "...a great big fat bruise.") On the word "bruise," they bang hard.
As far as I can tell, the object of this game is to cause pain. Well, it can be. Matt and I played it and he hit my bad left wrist, and it still hurts! Anyway, it was fun playing with the kids. Then the whole family played "My Uncle Harvey Died Last Night," and "Brother, I've Been Bopped!"
After that, we went inside and watched a great DVD that Uncle Randy put together for G-ma and G-pa about the 50 years of their marriage. Grandma got a little teary, I noticed. You should have seen her face when Randy told her about the celebration they had planned! Classic!
Sunday was also my Daddy's birthday. He's turning an age which I have been threatened with pain if I put it in this blog. That seems to run in the family, threatening me to keep stuff out of the blog. ;P Hopefully, we're celebrating today with an ice-cream cake.
Monday was the big Golden Anniversary Celebration! We had the tent set up, banners, a TV with the movie playing, gold 50s everywhere, and big banners. We had lots of food, including meat and veggie platters, and cheesecake. People came to the openhouse, family and friends. I met a lot of people I don't know! After the openhouse, G-ma and G-pa and the siblings went to dinner at the Roof. I stayed home and babysat. It was very fun, and I got to play with Hunter and Tayton. I love those little guys!
However, I got to bed very late because of all this. So I'm very tired today. But Andrew went back to school for the first time today. Daniel and Wendy left for Texas this morning. I wish them a safe trip, but boy am I going to miss them! It's sort of unthinkable for them to be sooo far away! I wish I'd been able to get in one last sleepover or something before they left.
Also on the schedule for this week: 24th of July celebration, Finals in Children's Lit (as well as several projects due), another midterm in Old Testament, and Socorro's shower on Saturday. Holy cow, I can't believe I'm old enough that one of my good friends (my age) is getting married!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
The doctor said that Andrew will probably come home early this afternoon! I am SOOO excited! I really really really want to get off work for it, I may take off a little early but taking off the whole day wouldn't be fair to Amanda (she'd be working all alone for 2 hrs). I'm soo happy!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tender Thoughts
Yesterday I was doing my laundry, and I found some of Andrew's shirts in the dryer. Okay, I know it sounds really corny, but I had a tender moment, okay? They smelled like him. I could smell it as I carried the shirts to the counter. Yes, dorky, but...I sat and sniffed his shirts for a while. It was like...musky sandalwood. You know, Janette and I always teased him about putting on too much cologne. He would walk out of the bathroom, and you'd have to wait a while before going in or you'd walk into a cloud of cologne. But right then, that smell was one of the best smells...I missed him a lot. I admit it, I got a little teary. I don't think Janette and I will tease him very much about the way he smells anymore.
Speaking of Janette, this experience has really helped her grow. She really dislikes hospitals, and she has always refused to babysit. Those are two things she was really afraid of. Since Andrew's been in the hospital, she's sort of come to terms with these things. I'm not saying she's come to like them, but she can deal with them without having a fit. She and Rebecca take care of the kids while Mommy and Daddy are gone to the hospital/sleeping, and she comes up to the hospital to visit Andrew. She says she doesn't like the hospital, but she likes seeing him.
I also noticed that Gordon doesn't complain about Andrew like he used to. He used to...you know how little and big brothers are...he used to complain a lot. "Andrew's bugging me," "Andrew's chasing me," Andrew would try and play wrestle with him: "Andrew's trying to hurt me..." And later, "Andrew's ignoring me," "Andrew isn't around anymore..." Anyway, now he doesn't complain. I think the love between my brothers has really grown.
Rebecca and Catherine...well, Rebecca's always been wonderful with responsibility. That came into play here. I think (I hope) that she's become a little softer, though. For example, one of her favorite ways to get attention is poking. Always poking! That hurts, and can get on someone's nerves. But a few days ago she just came as we were in the hospital and lay her head on my shoulder. Needless to say, I like that a lot better. Catherine I don't see that much, because she's always at home, but I think (and hope) she's learning to behave more when there aren't parents around all the time to discipline her.
As for me...It's more difficult to look at one's self and say how one has changed. But I think I've become less squeamish. I can look and help with tubes and catheters and spit-n-rinses, and although I don't like it I don't get nauseous like I used to. I can't quite hold someone's head while they vomit, not quite there yet, but I'm coming along.
Speaking of Janette, this experience has really helped her grow. She really dislikes hospitals, and she has always refused to babysit. Those are two things she was really afraid of. Since Andrew's been in the hospital, she's sort of come to terms with these things. I'm not saying she's come to like them, but she can deal with them without having a fit. She and Rebecca take care of the kids while Mommy and Daddy are gone to the hospital/sleeping, and she comes up to the hospital to visit Andrew. She says she doesn't like the hospital, but she likes seeing him.
I also noticed that Gordon doesn't complain about Andrew like he used to. He used to...you know how little and big brothers are...he used to complain a lot. "Andrew's bugging me," "Andrew's chasing me," Andrew would try and play wrestle with him: "Andrew's trying to hurt me..." And later, "Andrew's ignoring me," "Andrew isn't around anymore..." Anyway, now he doesn't complain. I think the love between my brothers has really grown.
Rebecca and Catherine...well, Rebecca's always been wonderful with responsibility. That came into play here. I think (I hope) that she's become a little softer, though. For example, one of her favorite ways to get attention is poking. Always poking! That hurts, and can get on someone's nerves. But a few days ago she just came as we were in the hospital and lay her head on my shoulder. Needless to say, I like that a lot better. Catherine I don't see that much, because she's always at home, but I think (and hope) she's learning to behave more when there aren't parents around all the time to discipline her.
As for me...It's more difficult to look at one's self and say how one has changed. But I think I've become less squeamish. I can look and help with tubes and catheters and spit-n-rinses, and although I don't like it I don't get nauseous like I used to. I can't quite hold someone's head while they vomit, not quite there yet, but I'm coming along.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Andrew Update
Andrew is now onto pudding, yogurt and tomato soup. YAY! Hopefully he'll be home next week. He even took a shower yesterday (he's been avoiding that, since before the second surgery he threw up every time he took a shower)!
Depressing Day
*WARNING: This post is more of a glorified rant/vent.*
I give up. You know, today started out really good. I got up at 8, washed my hair, ate breakfast, tidied up my room, started my laundry...I even darned my socks and mended clothes! I was feeling very good about what I had accomplished today.
Then they got home.
The first thing I heard when I showed G-ma my sewing was that I had wasted my time. As an afterthought, she added that she was glad I did it, but that it was still a waste of time. Oh, great. Then, since all my laundry was done but my towels, I heard about how I was cluttering up her laundry room. No, "Oh, hey, good job getting your laundry done." Nope. Then she came to my room. I had just barely moved my laundry stuff in there so G-pa could have his precious TV to himself, but it still looked okay. And I hear, "You'd better get started on this room."
I GIVE UP! There's no way I'm ever going to make these people happy, or proud. I make my own meals, and hear "Who messed up my kitchen?" I don't CARE anymore! I'll clean my room when I want, and when I think it's good enough, it's good enough, darnit! I'll do my own laundry, and I'll mend a THOUSAND socks and dresses if I feel they need it, even if it IS a waste of time! I'm tired of doing my best and getting slapped for it. I'm sick and tired of feeling bad whenever they "critique" what I'm doing. Apparently I'm not going to get any praise from them, so I'm not going to try anymore.
I give up. You know, today started out really good. I got up at 8, washed my hair, ate breakfast, tidied up my room, started my laundry...I even darned my socks and mended clothes! I was feeling very good about what I had accomplished today.
Then they got home.
The first thing I heard when I showed G-ma my sewing was that I had wasted my time. As an afterthought, she added that she was glad I did it, but that it was still a waste of time. Oh, great. Then, since all my laundry was done but my towels, I heard about how I was cluttering up her laundry room. No, "Oh, hey, good job getting your laundry done." Nope. Then she came to my room. I had just barely moved my laundry stuff in there so G-pa could have his precious TV to himself, but it still looked okay. And I hear, "You'd better get started on this room."
I GIVE UP! There's no way I'm ever going to make these people happy, or proud. I make my own meals, and hear "Who messed up my kitchen?" I don't CARE anymore! I'll clean my room when I want, and when I think it's good enough, it's good enough, darnit! I'll do my own laundry, and I'll mend a THOUSAND socks and dresses if I feel they need it, even if it IS a waste of time! I'm tired of doing my best and getting slapped for it. I'm sick and tired of feeling bad whenever they "critique" what I'm doing. Apparently I'm not going to get any praise from them, so I'm not going to try anymore.
Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm typing this from Andrew's hospital room. He was finally able to sleep, as was Grandma. He's doing fairly well, drinking clear liquids (if you call sips drinking...I do), and walking a lot. He had called for some of his pain medication just before going to sleep, and the nurse who brought it (Ed) was very...talkative. He told us about the thymus, and a bunch of things that quite frankly we had heard before. Andrew was getting antsy because he wanted to sleep, and this nurse just kept talking. Finally, the nurse left. Andrew gave the door a sardonic look, before flinging his arm over his eyes and asking "Wasn't there a talking horse named Ed?" Grandma and I burst out laughing, but Andrew was oblivious...he was asleep.
Not all that much happened today. I did my presentation on Garth Nix, which went fairly well. I also found out that apparently my Children's Lit class ends on July 25th. My first reaction was panic, because I thought that was when the University term ended. That's fairly soon, and I was worried that Andrew might not be able to catch up in that little time. However, I checked the University schedule, and term doesn't end until August 11th. Now I'm happy, because that gives me 2 weeks without my 8 o'clock class...good time to get things done. That is, if the teacher doesn't revise the schedule. *shrug*
Anyway, that's about it. School, work, hospital. Eso es la vida! (Can't figure out how to get an upside-down exclamation point. What's the Spanish term for that?)
Dini: 2 more paragraphs on Ch. 6, and another snippet that I'll put in later
C.B.A.C.U.T: Still threatens to be what its title says it is
Backstage Angel: On back burner, unfortunately
Xen MG Project: Art still pending approval
Mike text vid: Hope to have it out tomorrow, hospital permitting
DW Cross-stitch: Still waiting. Maybe I'll have it done in time for Spencer's graduation.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Andrew is recovering from his surgery, and is finally on "sips." This means that he is allowed to take very very small sips of clear liquids. He's been taking it really slow, despite the fact that his throat is dry. I think that's good, so he will heal okay.
I have a presentation on Garth Nix (one of my favorite authors) on Friday. I'm supposed to tell about how his life affected his writing, and make a handout. I think it will turn out pretty well.
In other news, yesterday was Tayton Fuja's birthday! I can't believe he's two. Happy birthday, little cousin!~
Today we got a new trainee at work. Listen to this...her name is Brooke! Teehee. Anyway, I love training people because it lets me feel smart, but I always feel like I'm overloading them with information. I remember when I started work here. I was so overwhelmed! With the prices, the machines, the customers...Now, two years later, everything is sort of old hat. Once in a while you'll get a job that surprises you or that you really have to think hard about, but not very often.
I'll get back to work now. Bye!
Work Progress:
Dini: Ch. 6...stuck
C.B.A.C.I.T.: Conceptualizing, Ch. 1...stuck
Backstage Angel: Conceptualizing...back burner
Ananda M.G. Project: Art Approval Pending
Mike Text Vid: Clips ordered, working on text
D&W Cross-stitch: Stuck, back burner
I have a presentation on Garth Nix (one of my favorite authors) on Friday. I'm supposed to tell about how his life affected his writing, and make a handout. I think it will turn out pretty well.
In other news, yesterday was Tayton Fuja's birthday! I can't believe he's two. Happy birthday, little cousin!~
Today we got a new trainee at work. Listen to this...her name is Brooke! Teehee. Anyway, I love training people because it lets me feel smart, but I always feel like I'm overloading them with information. I remember when I started work here. I was so overwhelmed! With the prices, the machines, the customers...Now, two years later, everything is sort of old hat. Once in a while you'll get a job that surprises you or that you really have to think hard about, but not very often.
I'll get back to work now. Bye!
Work Progress:
Dini: Ch. 6...stuck
C.B.A.C.I.T.: Conceptualizing, Ch. 1...stuck
Backstage Angel: Conceptualizing...back burner
Ananda M.G. Project: Art Approval Pending
Mike Text Vid: Clips ordered, working on text
D&W Cross-stitch: Stuck, back burner
Monday, July 07, 2008
In Again
Andrew went in for another surgery at 1:05 pm today to relieve a partial bowel obstruction. That's the reason he hasn't been able to keep anything down. Heavenly Father willing, this will solve many of his problems and he can begin recovery instead of just remaining in trouble. He's going to have to be in the hospital another three days to a week, but at least now we know what is going on. We remain very hopeful! Please keep Andrew in your prayers.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Hot, Hot, HOT!
Okay, when I'm hot, you know the temperature is up there. Because I'm the one who's cold at 75 degrees. At least I got to spend most of today in a nice cool hospital, and class, and work.
All right, Andrew update. So...he's not well yet. They had hoped to release him today, but he started vomiting, so obviously that's not good. Honestly, I really wanted to be there with him, or at least to be there with Mommy...but there's not much I could do. I stayed with Mommy from about 8 am to 10 am (when I had to go to class), but I really just got in the way. I feel so useless! I know Mommy is stressed, and I hate seeing Andrew like this...He's so pale, and you know even though he's my little brother he's always been the sort of stoic it-doesn't-bother-me type. Always did things for himself, you know? And he's doing great...it's just...I don't know. I wish I could do something more to help. So I worry a lot and pray really, really hard.
He's doing good, though. I mean, he's walking and stuff. I just keep thinking how blessed we are that this didn't happen earlier, when Daddy was out of a job and without insurance. Or later, when Andrew was on his mission (wouldn't that have been something). Thank heaven for small favors.
And amidst all of this, Fred is trying to get me to work more hours for people who decided to leave last minute! I'm sorry, but I'm already stressed, and I have an exam that weekend, and he's trying to guilt me into it. He keeps saying, "Well, I could have talked Max into closing for the weekend, but somebody closed 30 minutes early on a Saturday..." Okay, I did that. I made a decision, and it turned out to be a mistake. But I am not taking Saturdays till the end of time for people because of that mistake! I got reprimanded and everything, I feel I've paid my dues.
Sorry. I'm just really really stressed and tired. But I can't sleep. *sigh...*
P.S. Doesn't the movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events" have one of the most dissatisfying endings of all time? Ha!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Update: Andrew's Appendicitis
You know how Andrew was sick? Well, he went in to the hospital today with appendicitis. Apparently, his appendix had leaked and he was getting gangrene in there...the doctor said the surgery went fine. There's a 5-7 percent chance of getting an abscess stomach or something, and if that happens they'll just drain it and be fine.
Poor Andrew! I know they said he's fine, but... No matter how big he gets, he's always my little brother, and I love him and worry about him so much.
Please keep him in your prayers so he'll recover okay. You know the two things he was most worried about as they put him under? His classes, and dehydration!
Poor Andrew! I know they said he's fine, but... No matter how big he gets, he's always my little brother, and I love him and worry about him so much.
Please keep him in your prayers so he'll recover okay. You know the two things he was most worried about as they put him under? His classes, and dehydration!
Triumph...and an inferiority complex
Oh, yeah. Picture. *sigh...*
This was a much better idea when I actually looked good. (teehee) I'm on campus right now, so the lighting isn't great. I'm looking off to the side because I'm watching a spider who seems determined to get where I am. I don't want to kill it right now...but if it climbs up on me...beware. I'm sitting between two EFY classes right now. Apparently one is called "I spy a Nephite" and the speaker is in costume.
Okay. Triumph! My project of the day was finding...was it Ryann? Sorry, gals, that day is so mixed up for me I don't remember which one of you said you subscribed to my blog. I figured the least I could do is subscribe to yours. By the way, thanks for the tip about Google Reader. Anyway, I couldn't do it the easy way and ask for the url. Nope, I got to be miss Nancy Drew and search for it! I found lostboy's first, and was reasonably sure that the Ryann he was talking about was my Ryann...but reasonably sure usually doesn't cut it over the internet. So I went looking for Ryanns (since he doesn't have a link to it, silly boy), and found it! SUCCESS!
Now I have an inferiority complex, because I read some of his posts, and he is way cool. I mean, his blog is. I wish I were one of those people who can write creative things like that, and make my life seem interesting...but right now...not much to tell. I've never really been one to keep up on recent events (the news was a banned subject in my house because it's too depressing)...
So I'm going to try and be creative...Oh, someone wrote a letter into the university newspaper about how the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Myers is pornography. They say it "creates unrealistic expectations" for girls concerning boys. I can just imagine this person's girlfriend reading the series, putting it down, looking at her slightly lazy boyfriend and saying, "Why can't you be more like that?"
Anyway, it's completely ridiculous, no? First of all, look at the definition of pornography. Dictionary.com defines it as: "Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." Well, the Twilight series is definitely not that. So let's look at a less secular source: LDS.org.
LDS.org states that pornography is: "Pornography is any material depicting or describing the human body or sexual conduct in a way that arouses sexual feelings." The Twilight series doesn't do that either.
I suppose I can see where the person is coming from. 1) There is a talk about why pornography is bad, one of the reasons being that is creates unrealistic sexual expectations. This letter-writer seems to have generalized that to all expectations. 2) One of the main characters clearly wants to have sex without marriage. I don't agree with that, but that does not make the books pornography. 3) Descriptions of kisses are aimed to give warm fuzzies, or make kissing sound really good. But it never goes any farther than a kiss.
Honestly, if the Twilight books are pornography (raising expectations being the only qualification for pornography according to the letter writer), so are half the books written. What young girl hasn't expected her husband-to-be to be a Prince Charming, like in Cinderella? What girl hasn't wished at one time or another for a boyfriend like so-and-so from such-and-such? Honestly, girls naturally have unrealistic expectations about romantic things. They dream about a spectacular first kiss, a romantic boyfriend, an amazing proposal, and an idyllic life. Does that mean that girls are naturally pornographic?
I strongly suggest that the letter writer re-examine what the General Authorities have said about pornography. His comments are ridiculous!
Anyway, I have to get to work.

Okay. Triumph! My project of the day was finding...was it Ryann? Sorry, gals, that day is so mixed up for me I don't remember which one of you said you subscribed to my blog. I figured the least I could do is subscribe to yours. By the way, thanks for the tip about Google Reader. Anyway, I couldn't do it the easy way and ask for the url. Nope, I got to be miss Nancy Drew and search for it! I found lostboy's first, and was reasonably sure that the Ryann he was talking about was my Ryann...but reasonably sure usually doesn't cut it over the internet. So I went looking for Ryanns (since he doesn't have a link to it, silly boy), and found it! SUCCESS!
Now I have an inferiority complex, because I read some of his posts, and he is way cool. I mean, his blog is. I wish I were one of those people who can write creative things like that, and make my life seem interesting...but right now...not much to tell. I've never really been one to keep up on recent events (the news was a banned subject in my house because it's too depressing)...
So I'm going to try and be creative...Oh, someone wrote a letter into the university newspaper about how the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Myers is pornography. They say it "creates unrealistic expectations" for girls concerning boys. I can just imagine this person's girlfriend reading the series, putting it down, looking at her slightly lazy boyfriend and saying, "Why can't you be more like that?"
Anyway, it's completely ridiculous, no? First of all, look at the definition of pornography. Dictionary.com defines it as: "Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." Well, the Twilight series is definitely not that. So let's look at a less secular source: LDS.org.
LDS.org states that pornography is: "Pornography is any material depicting or describing the human body or sexual conduct in a way that arouses sexual feelings." The Twilight series doesn't do that either.
I suppose I can see where the person is coming from. 1) There is a talk about why pornography is bad, one of the reasons being that is creates unrealistic sexual expectations. This letter-writer seems to have generalized that to all expectations. 2) One of the main characters clearly wants to have sex without marriage. I don't agree with that, but that does not make the books pornography. 3) Descriptions of kisses are aimed to give warm fuzzies, or make kissing sound really good. But it never goes any farther than a kiss.
Honestly, if the Twilight books are pornography (raising expectations being the only qualification for pornography according to the letter writer), so are half the books written. What young girl hasn't expected her husband-to-be to be a Prince Charming, like in Cinderella? What girl hasn't wished at one time or another for a boyfriend like so-and-so from such-and-such? Honestly, girls naturally have unrealistic expectations about romantic things. They dream about a spectacular first kiss, a romantic boyfriend, an amazing proposal, and an idyllic life. Does that mean that girls are naturally pornographic?
I strongly suggest that the letter writer re-examine what the General Authorities have said about pornography. His comments are ridiculous!
Anyway, I have to get to work.
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