I'll add pictures later as I go, because they're scattered all over the place and I'll be lucky if I get to everything in text today.
Okay, so the Hortons came over for about...2 weeks, I think. We had so much fun and it was great to see them! I can hardly believe Madison is going to be going to college in the fall (it is in the fall, right?). They are very outdoorsy people, and we tried some great new foods with them (by the way, Aunt Danette, did you give my mom the recipe for your pickle dip?). I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked (school and work), but they hiked the Y and played lots of games with us. One day we went to the Scera pool, and I had fun playing with Erin, Catherine, and Jacob. Matt and Gordon "played" too...mostly by splashing us girls until we had squealed enough to satisfy them! ;D Another day we went laser-tagging, and I fulfilled my life's role of making sure no one else has to place last. Heehee! I love laser-tagging, but--let's face it--my aim is horrible and my hiding skills are worse. Anyway...I think everyone had fun and I had a wonderful surprise clean shower after the fun (Thanks again, Madison)!
4th of July and Balloon Handling
During that time was the 4th of July. I had the difficult decision of whether to help rehydrate the Marching Band (which I LOVE), or be a big balloon carrier. I finally decided on the balloon because my family is likely to be doing marching band for a while yet, and who knows when I will next have the opportunity to hold a rope attached to a big balloon? So I got up at about 6:30, and waited around until they started blowing up my ward's balloon. It took until 9, because the helium company hadn't brought enough hoses, but we eventually got "the Lady herself" (our affectionate name for our Madeline balloon) on her feet. In all the shuffle I ended up with a rope that attached to the top brim of her hat. This meant that I was on the very outside of about 30 people who handling the Lady. Starting down the parade route, I thought, "Man, this is so much easier than rehydrating!" I still missed the band, but I got to chat with Mr. LeVar (former band director) before the parade, as the Lehi High band was right in back of us. Then we started down the route in earnest...and I realized I was in trouble. People ask you to spin the big balloons, and...I died. You see, I'm not in the best shape, and I have short legs. Being on the outside, I had the longest distance around the circle to run. And I mean RUN. When the balloon is capable of pulling you off your feet if you don't keep up, you tend to do things like that.

In addition to this, the people who were deciding to spin the balloon were in the middle of the group, so they had no idea how tired the rest of us were. And when the people chanted for us to spin the Lady even though we had just finished spinning her...they figured, what's the harm? They did, however, say no to the one guy who was yelling, "Flip her! Flip her!" :) By the end of the parade I was just praying I wouldn't faint in front of all these people. But I made it, took a short rest to help deflate the balloon, then ran back to try and catch the Timpanogos Marching Band. I didn't make it (I made it just as they were finishing), but Janette was good enough to play "Yankee Doodle" for me.
I rode the bus home with the band and yelled "Hi!" to everyone we passed. We passed some missionaries, and I think they got a kick out of a bus full of kids singing "Called to Serve." XD Then I went home and slept. I hadn't known I was going to the family home, so I hadn't brought my contacts...so Daddy was good enough to go get me a contact case (which turned out to be awesomely glow-in-the-dark) and solution to stay at the house. That way I got to sleep. After that we had a fantastic dinner and fireworks with the Hortons. I'll spare you my rant on people who think they're too good for the law and don't care about burning down other peoples' houses with their illegal fireworks (heehee;D) and just say it was fun. It's weird to think this is the last time Andrew will be doing our fireworks for 2 whole years! By the time we got to bed I was totally beat.
Okay, what have I yet to talk about?
Oh, yeah!
Andrew's Farewell
We had a whole bunch of people here! Wyoming Fujas (by the way, that Seussical dvd was awesome and I want to actually see the play now) and California Bells came, Iowa Fujas, Grandma Bowns, and a whole slew of friends! Andrew gave an amazing talk on being a tool in the Lord's hands. I wish we had taped it. Mommy cried and even Daddy teared up a little! I got to sing "Armies of Helaman" with the choir, too. After Sacrament Meeting, I had the wonderful opportunity to catch up with my friend Becca. We both agreed that life is a lot harder after high school, and that there's something wrong with men "our age" (she's about a year younger than I am). ;D
We then went home and had a delicious Hawaiian haystack dinner with the Alvarez family and other family members. It was fun to see them again. The Uncles gave Andrew special mission ties and a few words of advice, which was great to see. We then went to an "openhouse" at the Bowns home. Andrews friends came and played games, and everyone signed his tablecloth. Tayton, Hunter and Cumorah did their job of charming the pants (or skirts) off of everyone they met, even though they were very tired and hot. After that...came home and collapsed into bed, nervous for a Spanish test the next day (I did okay on it, don't worry ;D).
Well, that's it for today. I'll talk more about Iowa Fujas tomorrow. Get ready for picture pandemonium! :D
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