I know, I know, it's been a while. But I actually have a legitimate excuse...I got into my major! YAY! So I've been in major classes for the first time. I actually really like them most days.
Advanced Writing: Since I'm taking this advanced writing class Spring instead of Fall or Winter (the way it's usually taken), the workload is due a lot sooner (which means I had about a week to write a 10 page paper). But the teacher is pretty cool about turning things in a little later as long as we're up front with him about every little problem so he knows WHY he's getting it late, and he's great with revisions and stuff.
Math: It's really fun learning how to teach math and stuff, although I have to do a 25-minute presentation on Fibonacci numbers (25 minutes just for ME...oh joy). It's interesting to go home an test the stuff out on Catherine and Gordon and actually see that they do solve problems the way the Carpenter study says they do (for people who don't know what that is, basically Carpenter studied a whole bunch of grammar school students and found consistent ways they solve math problems).
Music: Just a BLAST! We get to do autoharps and recorders, and I'm actually getting to sound okay on both of them! At times it's sort of frustrating and boring because we spend a lot of time explaining scales and key signatures to those who can't get them. I don't really mind that. But when I heard one of the girls in my music class complaining about it (we were in math at the time), and saying that "It's like she expects you to already know half this stuff...I'm not musical..." I felt like standing up and saying, "We just spent a whole HOUR on scales yesterday, just for you...and now you're complaining that we don't help you enough?!" On top of that, when she was taking the test I noticed that she had positioned herself right in front of the scale chart and was just copying it down, so I guess she doesn't really want to learn it. But all in all the music class is SOOO fun! I even have the same teacher that my mom worked a summer for when she was in the program!
Other than that...I got my ears pierced for my 20th birthday! I actually like it, the fact that I can wear earrings and not even feel them. Andrew graduated (making me feel old, haha) and is going to be moving in sometime pretty soon here. When I get screenshots from the footage we took I'll post them here. I was soooo proud of my little brother! He starts here Summer term, so that will be fun.
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