(Insert picture here of darling chinese lunchbox)
When we came upstairs (we had gone down there to get my present), her dad said my parents had left and they'd be back to pick me up in 30 minutes. Now, Alicia's dad is quite the trickster, and he's expressed interest in "adopting" me many a time, so I wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. Then I remembered that Mommy and Daddy had talked about looking at some of the used car lots in town (we're still looking to replace the Suburban). So Alicia and I talked about everything under the sun. She's jealous of my phone and my laptop (hee hee). She still hasn't found another job, so there go any plans for together time anytime soon. Maybe not, though: The best news is that she may be taking some classes down at the main campus this summer! That's not far from my house!

Alicia. I took a pic with my phone. What a cutie, even when pouting!
Then I got to go home and eat lunch with Mommy and the kids. Mommy ate all the yummy hash browns, however. *pout* I wonder if I could make some of those this Saturday. I had a tuna fish sandwich (Janette made it, and it was YUMMY). Then Mommy and Janette and I went to...let's see, what DID we go to do? Oh, yes, we went to go get fabric for my underskirt for my Chinese dress, and a few shirts for Mommy. We got a cute Tinkerbelle shirt for Janette (it says something like, "What's not to love?"). She LOVES Tinkerbelle.
Then I had to go home. *sigh* Not the family home, home home. I found some funny Star Trek bloopers on YouTube and consoled myself by watching those and completely forgetting about my laundry.
Sunday I was visited by home teachers (no, wait, that was Saturday). I got up and went to church. We had some good lessons. Then came the FUN! My family and Wendy came over for lunch/dinner! We had scones (muchly yummy) and cheezy chicken (also muchly yummy). It was sooo good, food wise and company wise. Then we had FHE and did an activity where we sang a lot of the old lullabyes into a tape recorder for posterity (my idea). It was fun listening to everyone's stories about what they associated with each song, and to hear the different versions everyone remembered.
Then we played games (mommy, grandpa, daddy, janette, andrew and I all played password in the kitchen, grandma, catherine, wendy and gordon played Racko in the dining room) and ate Wendy's yummy Golden Graham s'mores. I had learned to use my chopsticks and cheerfully annoyed everyone by eating the popcorn with them. (After all, I have to practice!)
Now for today: Smog, smog, smog! It CAN'T be good for you. It's like a permanent smelly fog that makes me cough. GRR. I wish it would just go away. Mommy says we need to pray for snow, she says it will help. I'll do anything to try and get rid of the smog. Grandma went to the doctor this morning to see how here leg was healing. We'll see what he said when I get home. She hopes to be able to go the the FHL, but I don't know...she hasn't been staying off of it as much as she should.
In HEPE today we learned about cardiovascular fitness. Did you know your thumb has its own pulse? So did I. Was pretty much a repeat of 7th grade health, but it's useful, I guess.
In Physical Science we are doing our Mini Lessons. My subject is:
"Use a drawing and/or model to explain that changes in the angle at which light from the sun strikes Earth, and the length of daylight, determine seasonal differences in the amount of energy received. "
I have NO idea what that MEANS, much less how to teach it. Ah, well, thank goodness for google and wikipedia.
AAH! I almost forgot! I have to sing a solo in Vocal today. Fun, fun. I also am missing two comments on my Teaching Experience for Marriage Prep (thanks, mommy and daddy. I asked you for them three times!), so I'll have to talk to him and explain it. NOT fun. At least he seems fairly nice.
Anyways, got to get doing other stuff!
1 comment:
I totally understand what your phys.sci mini lesson is asking for and I can see it in my head! Not that it helps you any. It is just the byproduct of being a geography major. If you haven't already checked Wikipedia etc, try some of these sources: www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/ctl/clisci1
They are both pretty technical. Your best bet is to get ahold of Elemental Geosystems by Robert W. Christopherson (it's a textbook, check your university's library or the bookstore) and read the chapter on Solar Energy, Seasons, and Atmosphere (Ch 2 in Edition 2, but the current one is Edition 6 or 8 or something). I would lend you mine but I'm not likely to see you before your assignment is due. Good luck!
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