Saturday, November 10, 2007
Happy Time
I am SOOO ready for Thanksgiving break. It is going to be so fun! Oh, hey, I have a presentation for religion on Monday. I think it's going to go well. At least I hope so. Anyways, I'm gonna go take a lie-down cuz I'm sort of dizzy.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Why do I always end up doing this? Guess I'm nice. That's good, right? Nice is good?
Anyways, I have to go study for a test. Bye!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Place holder in case I can't come up with something witty.
So yeah. Guess I deserved it. No, really I do. After rereading my self-sorry post from yesterday...Why don't I take it down, you say? Because the emotions and thoughts are TRUE. Who knows, one day one of my kids may feel that way, and it would be good for them to see that I felt that way, too.
I feel better now. Still homesick, but what else is new. Mostly, I'm nervous about my Geography test tomorrow, and my Japanese class. And I'm STIR-CRAZY! I have been cooped up in the bedroom all day and I want OUT of here!
But that may just be the disease problem. Next thing you know, I'll be so tired I can't keep my eyes open. Ah, the perversity of life, eh?
Mommy came over and left some of her FABULOUS chicken dumpling soup, which I had for dinner. It's always gone too fast, but MAN is it good while it lasts.
Ever wonder why I put so many caps-locks in there? It's cuz I want emphasis and am too lazy to push "Ctrl-I."
Monday, October 15, 2007
Why aren't I happy? I feel like I've been just...existing. That's it. I'll get really sad sometimes, but I don't feel like I'm really happy anymore. I'm not depressed. I WON'T be depressed. I just wonder why I'm not happy. It's like the happiness is in a bubble, and I can't let it out. I feel like I've tried everything.
So now I tried skipping a class. I thought, if I could just get a break, if I could just be free for a minute of the stress...Wrong thing. It didn't help, and I think it made things worse. Cuz now I'm stressing about my grade in that class, and what I missed. It was just review, but still...
Isn't living the gospel supposed to make us happy? Isn't it the plan of happiness? What am I not doing? Why am I not happy? I went to church, I bore my testimony, I'm getting better at reading my scriptures, I pray, I'm doing extractions...Why aren't I happy? What am I doing wrong?!
I won't turn to drugs. I WILL NEVER do drugs. I know that won't make me happy.
I need a tissue. And maybe a hug.
But no one really reads this, do they? I'm just writing this for myself, I guess. Guess that's why I ramble all over the place.
Yesterday was good. My family came over, and we played games. I was happy then, I think. But I've got to be happy when my family isn't around. Gotta cut those apron strings, they say. I know they're right. I just don't know what more to do to make myself happy.
Can I force myself to be happy?
I would skip classes. I want to. I want to go home. But what would mommy say? I don't want her worrying about me, she has so much to worry about already.
Crap. I'm crying. Right in the middle of class, I'm crying.
Better stop before it gets worse.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Well, Mommy is subbing for three days in an LD Resource (Learning Disability Resource) class, so she was pretty stressed out, but I know she'll do fine. It never ceases to amaze me what a wonderful teacher she is, and how she loves those children.
Poor Catherine came (went?) down with a fever of 103 on Saturday, and a cough. Does pneumonia usually carry a fever and a cough? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I hate to see my baby feeling so miserable.
The good stuff: I got to spend the Sunday sessions of conference with my family! It was great. Our "mini-meal" (the traditional meal of finger food at the end of the first session, I'm sure it hearkens back to the ancient Israelites) was fantastic: highlights included guacamole, vienna sausages, fresh pineapple, and our clam-olive canapes that were gone within minutes of setting them on the table.
Well, as for me, I've got no news, really. Work's the same as usual, school is okay (I'm starting my first round of midterms, but the panic hasn't hit me yet. It's funny how grandma thinks because I'm having midterms, we're halfway through the semester. Nowadays, "midterm" is just a word for "test whenever I darn well want to have it." (College students: am I right or am I right?) Oh, good news: I got a 95% on a history test I was really worried about, so I'm happy.
Well, I wish I could say I won a sweepstakes or got engaged or got a new job, but none of those would be true. Just a reminder: I do take blind dates and invitations to dinner! (j/k)
That's all for now. Sorry about the big gap 'tween posts.
PS: Daniel, I saw this morning that the Widtsoe (sp?) had a fire drill. Were you there when that happened?
PPS: I forgot to tell, I cut my hair!!! Pic below:
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sweet Iowa Corn!
[post under construction]
Friday, April 27, 2007
I made it!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Wyoming Fun!
I ordered some custom-made perfume from, so we'll see how that goes. I ordered one for Mommy that was sandalwood, rose and lemon (which I think is going to smell fine), since those are three of her favorite smells. THEN she tells me, "Well, lemon has to stand alone." Right. We'll wait 'till I recieve it and then if it doesn't smell good I'll give it to Pame or something for their birthday.
Anyway, my new cousin is ADORABLE! When he starts to cry, he snorts, and it is SOOO funny! And he has so much hair!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
How to be a good Lab Partner
1) When you say you'll do something, DO IT. Such as when you tell her you'll email her to tell her when you can get together to start something.
2) When your partner wants to start something (like your project), don't tell her you will "plan that when we come to it."
3) If you do happen to make that mistake, don't go ahead and do the project without her. Chances are, she's still waiting for you to email her to tell her when you can get together and "come to it."
4) If possible, don't turn down their ideas. Chances are, they think they are good ideas. This also makes them afraid to suggest anything else. Also, if you do the aforementioned three things in addition to this, it makes them feel like you are trying to do this project by yourself because you don't like their ideas. It makes them mad, and sad, and suspicious. It also makes them feel like any coincidence (such as going to your house to do the project instead of theirs) is you pushing them so that the project turns out as you want it to. This makes them not even want to deal with you, and like they want to do their own project.
Friday, March 09, 2007
I feel very productive!
My poor family are all sick. Poor Catherine has viral bronchitis. I'm looking forward to Saturday. Listen to this schedule:
10:00-12:00 Prepare Mini-Lesson with Rebecca F.
12:00-2:00 Filming for EFY video
2:00-4:00 Study session for World Music with Megan
4:00-6:00 Family picks me up for Rebecca's b-day dinner
7:00 Get check from Sis. Clasby
Fun, fun, no?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Feeling Depressed...
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Saturday's Over Already?!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Talk About Stress!
Ah, well. Let's see...I went to the Eye Doctor today. He said my eyes were FINALLY fine and finally said we could go ahead and order the rest of the contacts. He started talking about how they would be 170 dollars (we got a discount from 220). I got worried, as our insurance should have paid all but 50. When I went to order them, the receptionist said, "Actually, your insurance will pay all but 12.50 of the cost." What a relief! A year's contacts for 12.50! That's a great deal!
Today after work, Janette came up behind me and scared me half to death! I was concentrating on recording the email address of a person who was selling a violin, bow, case, and rosin for only 60 dollars, when she came and grabbed me! She's sleeping over so she and Andrew can go to IHOP with Grandpa as their prize for winning the Bowl predictions. We watched Red Skelton with Martha Ray. They are soo funny!Well, it's 11:00 now, and I have work tomorrow, so I'll sign off. Happy Groundhog's Day!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
So...let's see...It's, wait, Thursday...Is it Thursday? Hang on...
~goes to check calendar~
So it's Thursday. YES! That means a slow day in CC, hopefully. I've got no homework except for a 1 1/2 page paper on my "born again" experience. The guidelines are pretty confusing. Oh, and I still need to buy my Physical Science book.
I FINALLY made my eye doctor appointment. It's Friday. Yeah.
I have the best voice in all of my vocal class. I'll tell you how I know that when I feel less lethargic.
Why do I feel so blah? Must be the snow. It's pretty, but it's cold and the sky is gray...again. In fact, when has the sky NOT been gray the past month? I am sooo ready for spring.
I need to go buy some Crest whitestrips. My teeth look awful. And some french bread. I LOVE french bread. There is not much better than a few thick pieces of french bread slathered with melted butter. I'm getting hungry...
~checks sig card balance~
Hang on. I'm gonna go get lunch. Grandma packed me some great mashed potatoes, so I need to warm them up. This means I get to fight for microwave time. Happy, happy, joy joy...
Okay, I'm back. Those potatoes sure are yummy. Mommy and Grandma are such wonderful cooks, I don't know how I'll ever compare. Maybe instead of cooking my potential fiancee a dinner, I'll have Mommy do it. ( just kidding.) Potential fiancee...that has a nice ring. No pun intended. Leslie has a fiancee, and Kara has a serious boyfriend...I have Troy, my dear forgetful almost-boyfriend. He emailed me today saying he got his kidney stones blasted but there was no pain as of yet. I think Saturday I'll take him a get-well gift. He also said he was sorry bowling fell through, and that we need to do it another time. Sigh...
I can't think of anything else to write. If I think of anything, I'll come back and write it.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
What NEVER to do...
Meh. OH MY GOODNESS. Let's just say we had a BAD customer last night. She was totally irrational over a ward directory. ONE PAGE in this directory was messed up. She had proofed it (approved it) with the wrong page before it was printed, she said she was "drunk with anger" over having waited there for "five hours" for the proof and thus did not notice. Now, I agree that our machine takes a while processing jobs with a bunch of photos in them, but:
1) She was NOT there for five hours. She came on Saturday, when we are open from 12 to 6. Kara (my coworker) worked from 1 to 4, and saw neither hide nor hair of her. This means she was there for one or two hours, tops.
2) SHE PROOFED IT. That's the bottom line. She neither told the technician there was a larger page in there, nor noticed the problem when she looked at it. How was anyone supposed to know there was a problem? After she proofed it, even if they had noticed the problem they would have assumed that's the way she wanted it.
3) We offered to replace the directories with the map correct, but she would not have it. Apparently, she had a ward party she was late to that she wanted to hand them out at. She had waited till the LAST MINUTE to pick these up. How smart is that?
Anyway, while we were trying to placate her, she was making remarks about the competence of the employees, etc. EXCUSE me, but we can hear you. We're right here, and we're people too. We're SORRY your job turned out wrong, it's not our fault, and you wouldn't let us fix it. GRR. She said, "I'm never coming here again." Seriously, Kara and I looked at each other. We were both going to burst out laughing. She looked at us and repeated, "Never." May I just say: GOOD. We really don't need customers like you. We would love it if customers like you NEVER came in. I wish I could have just said, "Thank you. Please be sure that you don't."
So then her guy friend (who has been in the shop before) came in. She ran on at the mouth at him, so he went to the computers. Then he comes back and tells me, "I just sent the ward map to the Docutech (our LARGE VOLUME printer). Print four." Well, we already had a ward directory processing on that machine, but I was afraid to contradict him. So I interrupted the job and set the map to printing. We waited...and I went to the CougarPrints manager to start another job as we waited. We waited...long story short, it wasn't printing. So, I asked him to send it to the 65 which would print automatically. Well, apparently the 65 was having an error where it wasn't showing up on the network.
SO... We asked him to send it to the 55 on the color side. It was slow, and only printed one of his map. Honestly, I think it was a problem with his file. So he waits. Meanwhile, the girl is talking and talking and talking with her friend, attacking the character and efficiency of the employees. She was saying (about me) "All she does is: (moves her hand in a typing motion)." Well, EXCUSE ME if we have other people to serve! There are other people in the universe besides you! Anyway, so the guy goes to her and shows her the map. Instead of looking it over to make sure it looks all right, she shrieks, "ONE?! WE WAITED IN HERE ALL THIS TIME FOR ONE?!" They had been there for 45 minutes, and had only been trying to print the map for ten.
SO we finally get this printed off, and he says to the girl, "I'm going to write a letter about this." She says, "Yeah, and I'll sign it." Like she expects that to strike fear into our hearts. Then she says, "ALL of their machines broke down? Sheesh, these people need to be trained." Well, we're not superbeings. Things break down. There's nothing we can do about it. Training has nothing to do with it. Then the guy comes up to me and says, "What's the name of the manager," once again like he expects it to strike fear into my heart. Smiling, I told him the manager's name. I really don't mind if he writes to Fred. In face, Kara and I wrote to Fred detailing the customers' complaints (I am quite proud of the fact that we were able to do it in an impartial manner).
This took up ALL our time from 7 to 8. So we had to stay late to finish up other jobs. GRR!
Moral of the story:
1) Don't be OCD.
2) Check your jobs THOROUGLY before approving them. The staff aren't psychic.
3) Allow yourself time when scheduling pick up for any random mistakes to be corrected (just in case).
4) If there is a mistake, BE KIND and PATIENT. Remember that these people are human. They deserve to be treated with respect. They will be more willing to fix your error and give you a discount if you are kind than if you treat them like dirt. Remember that they are there to serve you, and take pride in a job well done. They will be more than willing to fix the problem, and will do it as quickly as they can.
5) WATCH YOUR MOUTH. Just because they are behind the counter does not mean they cannot hear you. It also makes you look bad to the other patrons of the establishment. We had people coming in and out who were giving us VERY sympathetic looks. This girl going on and on about her problem wasn't gaining her a bit of sympathy, it just made her look bad.
I think that's it. If you made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS! Buy yourself some balloons and stop over at the shop for some hole-punch confetti. Go on, you deserve it!
((I need bubble wrap.))
Monday, January 29, 2007
Monday, Monday!
(Insert picture here of darling chinese lunchbox)
When we came upstairs (we had gone down there to get my present), her dad said my parents had left and they'd be back to pick me up in 30 minutes. Now, Alicia's dad is quite the trickster, and he's expressed interest in "adopting" me many a time, so I wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. Then I remembered that Mommy and Daddy had talked about looking at some of the used car lots in town (we're still looking to replace the Suburban). So Alicia and I talked about everything under the sun. She's jealous of my phone and my laptop (hee hee). She still hasn't found another job, so there go any plans for together time anytime soon. Maybe not, though: The best news is that she may be taking some classes down at the main campus this summer! That's not far from my house!

Alicia. I took a pic with my phone. What a cutie, even when pouting!
Then I got to go home and eat lunch with Mommy and the kids. Mommy ate all the yummy hash browns, however. *pout* I wonder if I could make some of those this Saturday. I had a tuna fish sandwich (Janette made it, and it was YUMMY). Then Mommy and Janette and I went to...let's see, what DID we go to do? Oh, yes, we went to go get fabric for my underskirt for my Chinese dress, and a few shirts for Mommy. We got a cute Tinkerbelle shirt for Janette (it says something like, "What's not to love?"). She LOVES Tinkerbelle.
Then I had to go home. *sigh* Not the family home, home home. I found some funny Star Trek bloopers on YouTube and consoled myself by watching those and completely forgetting about my laundry.
Sunday I was visited by home teachers (no, wait, that was Saturday). I got up and went to church. We had some good lessons. Then came the FUN! My family and Wendy came over for lunch/dinner! We had scones (muchly yummy) and cheezy chicken (also muchly yummy). It was sooo good, food wise and company wise. Then we had FHE and did an activity where we sang a lot of the old lullabyes into a tape recorder for posterity (my idea). It was fun listening to everyone's stories about what they associated with each song, and to hear the different versions everyone remembered.
Then we played games (mommy, grandpa, daddy, janette, andrew and I all played password in the kitchen, grandma, catherine, wendy and gordon played Racko in the dining room) and ate Wendy's yummy Golden Graham s'mores. I had learned to use my chopsticks and cheerfully annoyed everyone by eating the popcorn with them. (After all, I have to practice!)
Now for today: Smog, smog, smog! It CAN'T be good for you. It's like a permanent smelly fog that makes me cough. GRR. I wish it would just go away. Mommy says we need to pray for snow, she says it will help. I'll do anything to try and get rid of the smog. Grandma went to the doctor this morning to see how here leg was healing. We'll see what he said when I get home. She hopes to be able to go the the FHL, but I don't know...she hasn't been staying off of it as much as she should.
In HEPE today we learned about cardiovascular fitness. Did you know your thumb has its own pulse? So did I. Was pretty much a repeat of 7th grade health, but it's useful, I guess.
In Physical Science we are doing our Mini Lessons. My subject is:
"Use a drawing and/or model to explain that changes in the angle at which light from the sun strikes Earth, and the length of daylight, determine seasonal differences in the amount of energy received. "
I have NO idea what that MEANS, much less how to teach it. Ah, well, thank goodness for google and wikipedia.
AAH! I almost forgot! I have to sing a solo in Vocal today. Fun, fun. I also am missing two comments on my Teaching Experience for Marriage Prep (thanks, mommy and daddy. I asked you for them three times!), so I'll have to talk to him and explain it. NOT fun. At least he seems fairly nice.
Anyways, got to get doing other stuff!
Friday, January 26, 2007
What a day!
Dance class was fun. We reviewed a few dances and learned a new dance that is mostly stepping and jumping, including a lot of one step who's name starts with a B (bolero or something like that). You basically cross one leg over the other, jump out (like jumping jacks), and then jump feet together. It was fun. I love dance class!
Then in New Testament we had a raging debate about whether or not Christ was married. In that class, we have assigned seats. I've decided that I like that because it eliminates all the worry about where you will sit if you are a minute or so late (which I usually am, because I'm coming all the way from the WSC).
At work, it was CRAZY. EVERYTHING was broken down. We seriously considered putting up a sign that said something to the effect of "Everything's broken today, so we are not taking walk-in orders." We had THREE priority jobs to do on 1 machine (the slowest machine there), and we kept having to interrupt it for people who just couldn't wait. It was insane.
Today in Marriage Prep we learned that nobody's perfect. Meh, there goes all my dreams (^_^). The two boys on either side of me were VERY friendly.
(To be continued...possibly)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
We studied igneous rocks in Physical Science lab today. I came up with some fun sayings to help remember what anaritic, phanaritic, and porphorytic rocks are. Anaritic rocks get an "A" because they are so "fine" (they are fine-grained in texture). Phanaritic rocks need a "fan" because they cool so slowly (phanaritic rocks usually form in the magma chamber, and have large grains due to slow cooling). Lastly, porphorytic rocks are "poor" because they are neither fine nor large-grained (they have a mixture of both), so none of the other rocks will play with them. Problem is, I'm having trouble. Everything I look at looks porphorytic!
In marriage prep we talked about the Marriage Trends of society. A lot of them STINK. Did you know that in places like France they sell "sex suits,", I won't tell you. The name itself says it all. Suffice it to say they hook up to the internet for those "long distance relationships." DISGUSTING.
Next I have World Music Cultures. I'm trying to learn how to tell the difference between a sitar, a sarod, and a vina by sound. A tambura is easy to recognize because it only has four strings, and is only used for a drone. However, look what I learned: In Indian music there are usually four sections: Alap, which is introduction of the raga (musical scale) and improvisation, Jor and Jhalla (I don't remember much about these...I think one is free rhythm and one is steady), and the Got. The Got has a set rhythm, drums are added, and it usually has a set tune. Hey, did you know in South India they echo what the vina plays with a violin? They hold the violin between their chest and foot, and slide their fingers up and down the fingerboard to get the notes. I couldn't imagine putting my violin on my FEET. Blegh. Think of all the stuff that foot has touched, especially in India!
Then I have vocal class. We're supposed to be soloing "Shenandoah" today, but I am going to ask for an extension because my voice is really gone.
After that, I had work. Nothing really to say about that, it was a slow day. Oh! One of my coworkers did a cartwheel because she thought nobody was watching. Turns out somebody was on the computers. She blushed and said, "Oh, I didn't know you were there!" I clapped and laughed and she said, "Did you see that?" I nodded yes RIGHT as our manager walked in clapping. HE had seen it! It was classic!

Kara, my crazy coworker (not the one that did the cartwheel)
I'm going to try to get to bed EARLY today, although if my throat keeps me up like last night, I don't see what good it'll do me.
Ah, well, tomorrow is Folk Dance, which will be way fun!