Friday, July 08, 2011

Fourth of July

July has been a fun month! I wish I had pictures, but I kept forgetting to bring my camera for all the entertainment. ;-)

I went to Colonial and Freedom Days in Provo with some friends on July 1, which was super! We all dressed up (I was VERY patriotic in red, white and blue) and had some good food. There are SO many booths at Freedom Days! I could spend all day there looking at everything and trying all the food. I highly recommend this event, but bring money and an empty stomach!

Then July 2 was the Stadium of Fire! Janette, TMTHCB, and I went up to the bottom of the Hike the Y trailhead (they had gone up to watch the balloons be launched that morning) and got to see the SoF in a whole new way! In case any of you didn't know, they have released the aerial restrictions here in Utah so there were a bunch of fireworks going on all over the valley. Tayton kept asking, "Is that the finale?" every time a bunch went off at once. When the SoF finally rolled around, we knew it. They were HUGE and it was amazing. Then Janette and I made our way through the crazy traffic, parked and walked to her apartment. I spent the night there and she came to church with me the next afternoon. Fun times!

July 4th was fun, too! The kids marched in the parade, I stayed home and cleaned. Then we got together with family for food and fireworks! Janette's friend Naomi came to watch with us, I hope she had a good time. Admittedly, our family can be a little weird (what with repeating the names of the fireworks and all) but we have fun. It was strange this year, because our fireworks were overshadowed by LOTS of aerial fireworks from the surrounding houses. It was hard to concentrate on our little ones when there are huge blossoms of fire in the sky. :-S Next year I say we don't even spend money on fireworks! Just get a few sparklers and pop-its and watch the show!

A few other things: I've cut my hair, Andrew's Homecoming chain is getting shorter (pic to come, I hope), and we are looking forward to seeing everyone this month! Wow! How time flies!!!