Saturday, November 26, 2011


One of the hard things about doing beauty reviews is finding things to review! Unless you get suggestions (which I'm open to, by the way) you have to decide which out of the many appealing makeups and treatments to buy and review.

I've been looking into monthly makeup services such as Birchbox, but the items I saw in reviews just didn't appeal to me. I don't use hair or face oils much, nor anti-aging treatments...So I was thrilled when Michelle Phan announced her new My Glam service! Her boxes seem to contain items more to my taste, although there might be fewer, and she uses closer to full-size items. Like Birchbox, her boxes only cost $10 and you can subscribe monthly or yearly. I've ordered a box for December, and I'll review it as soon as it gets here. I'm excited to have a monthly makeup surprise! She also periodically puts up instructional videos on how to use the makeup in the boxes, which is great. I don't think there's as much variety and surprise factor in Michelle's boxes, but I'll let you know once I get one.

Ad picture for Michelle Phan's MyGlam bag.

Yay for new stuff!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Beauty Review: Blinc Mascara

Disclaimer: I was not paid to do this review. I bought the product reviewed with my own money on my own time. Review is subject to my personal skin type, living climate, moods, preferences, PMS, etc.

If you're like me, you've been on a search for the "perfect" mascara for a while. My eyelids seem to get very oily, and I guess I rub my eyes because most mascaras that are good for staying power end up in dark circles under my eyes (even if I don't put any one my lower lashes). Blinc has been a favorite for a while, because it was the first mascara I found that didn't give me raccoon eyes!

From the Blinc website:

"Formerly known as Kiss Me, blinc is the original mascara invented to form tiny water-resistant "tubes" around your lashes rather than painting them like conventional mascaras. Once applied, these beauty tubes bind to your lashes and cannot run, smudge, clump, or flake, even if you cry or rub your eyes. Whether your daily activities take you from the office, to your sweaty workout and then out to dinner, your lashes will look as good in the evening as they did when you first applied blinc in the morning."


The mascara comes in a fairly simple silver tube. Nothing special here.

The wand is also fairly simple, almost straight with a slight helix shape.


The mascara is a little tricky; since it goes on very wet the wrong move can make your lashes clump together and look like you only have four of them! Other than that it is relatively straightforward. The mascara is great for my lashes length, and is buildable as long as it is wet so you can add several coats.

One eye (3-4 coats)

Left eye (your left): 3-4 coats. Right eye: 1-2 coats.


The mascara gives relatively good length but little volume. Additionally, although it does not give me circles around the eyes I've found it doesn't live up to Blinc's longevity claims. A few hours after applying I had some eye irritation that made my eyes water copiously, giving me a chance to test the Blinc mascara's "waterproof-ness." The results were not pretty:

Clumpy, running off my eyes, flakes underneath...oh joy.

Several hours later, my mascara was still there and no circles were under my eyes (that in itself is a rarity in a mascara) but my eyes definitely didn't look as nice as they did "when I first applied Blinc in the morning."

The slight smirk is at myself, because I forgot to take the picture before I put my nightgown on. XP

*Buildable formula
*No raccoon eyes!
*Removal is surprisingly easy for a mascara with staying power

*Clumpy! Clumpy, clumpy!
*Little volume
*Eyes tearing makes it...ew.
*Doesn't live up to its claims
*Cost: $25-$31 per bottle

As I said, I've been using this mascara for a while. Although it doesn't live up to Blinc's claims, it doesn't give me black eyes which counts for a lot. Every other mascara I've tried ends me up with black smudges. However, my search for my holy grail mascara continues.

Rating: ***** (3/5)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beauty reviews...Yep, I'm doin' 'em!

I've decided to start a few beauty reviews on this blog. (Later note to those who are subscribed to my posts: I actually started reviewing on another blog a while ago, but now I'm consolidating, so you might read a few of these out of order. Hope that's okay!)
I'm relatively new to reviewing, but beauty reviews from others have helped me TREMENDOUSLY in deciding what to buy, and I thought I'd try to give a little too!

About me
I'm a 23 year old schoolteacher living in a desert in the US (not to be confused with a dessert, which would be yummy but a little sticky). I'm OBSESSED with beauty products, and love to try new things! Currently I'm searching for the perfect skin care regimen (who isn't). Also lipstick. And gloss. And nail polish. And purses....XD

About my skin, etc.
Climate: Dry
Skin Type: Combination (dry, but oily in the T zone)
Skin Pigmentation: Fair
Eye color: grey/blue/green
Hair color: Red (naturally a light brown w/ red highlights)

It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope this blog helps you in some way! If you have questions about a product I've reviewed, feel free to ask!

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, everything reviewed on this blog was bought at my own expense and used according to manufacturer's directions. I am sharing how the products work for me, which is not a guarantee that they will do the same for you. I am not a makeup guru, I put makeup on as best I can for a layman.

First Week

I started work at EC on Tuesday, and I must say I'm enjoying my job very much! I'm working in the Kindergarten with Mrs. T. She has 30 students per class, which makes 60 students total. I monitor student progress, take over in a pinch, and prepare any materials needed for lessons. The kids are sweet, and the work is right up my alley. The hours are nice, too. ;-)

Sunday I was called to be a ward missionary, and I'm a little nervous about it. Hopefully I'll do my best and it will be enough. I find out who my companion is tomorrow!

Tuesday, as you know, I started my job. It went fantastically, but towards the end of the day I started on a headache. Being the silly that I am, I hadn't brought any ibuprofen. By the time I started to drive home, I had a roaring migraine. The combination of stress, little sleep, no lunch and little water brought me to a fog of pain that made it very hard to drive. I was literally praying that I'd be able to make it home without an accident. Coming home, I was so much in pain! Nothing made it better, so I finally asked Andrew to give me a priesthood blessing. He called a brother across the way, and after the blessing I was finally able to sleep. A few hours sleep fixed me up just fine. Thank Heaven for the power of the priesthood, and that Andrew was home and able to give me the blessing!

You may be wondering about the balloon pig. ;-) Fridays in Mrs. T's class are Fairy Tale Fridays. We get to have a parent come in, read a story and do an activity with the class. In the morning the parent made stick puppets with the kids. They had so much fun! This was their first time using liquid glue, however, and the parent didn't take into account...well...let's just say we had a bit of a mess! ^_^ In the afternoon, a mom came in and made balloon pigs, read the story and had the kids make faces on their own balloons. So much fun!

Friday, September 02, 2011

Playing Catsup.

It's school time again! Mother is subbing, kids and college alike are in school and I sometimes have the house to myself. Not for much longer, however, because....


I GOT A JOB! *excited squeal*

I'm a teaching assistant in the Kindergarten at EC Elementary (abbreviated for privacy reasons). It's not a fully contracted teaching job, but the principal says they're planning on having some positions open next year...and it's a foot in the door! Apparently they were really impressed with the subbing I did in the Kindergarten last year (thanks, Mrs. C and Mrs. J) and are excited to have me. Yay! I start Tuesday.

Harvest time is here at G-ma's, but with her leg problem we're doing most of the canning with T&M's family. We're picking tomatoes today and canning them tomorrow morning, so we'll see how that goes.

Over the summer we went to California and had a fun time at Universal Studios, Disneyland, California Adventure, and the beach! I'll end with just a few pictures (late in coming, but better than never).

I love you all!

 Janette with the set of Waterworld. AWESOME show!

 Jerry, Janette's favorite.

 Giant lollipop! Wonder how many licks THIS one takes?

 Sunday at the temple. Janette was there, she was taking the picture.

 In front of Storybook Land (Disneland)

 In Mickey's house. HARD couch!

 Iridessa, the light fairy.

 With Mickey. Get Janette's face!

 Janette and her idol, Tinkerbell!


 We made sure to see Lightning and Mater for T&M's family and also for Spencer.

 Characters sealed their autographs with a "kiss."

 It was Catherine's first time at the beach in California.

 RAPUNZEL! My favorite princess EVER!

 If I look tired, it's because it was our last day literally MINUTES before I left. XP

 Apparently the photographers at the princess walk had a bit of fun with the young men...


 Ariel (my hair's almost as red!)

Tiana (she had a lovely accent)

Friday, July 08, 2011

Fourth of July

July has been a fun month! I wish I had pictures, but I kept forgetting to bring my camera for all the entertainment. ;-)

I went to Colonial and Freedom Days in Provo with some friends on July 1, which was super! We all dressed up (I was VERY patriotic in red, white and blue) and had some good food. There are SO many booths at Freedom Days! I could spend all day there looking at everything and trying all the food. I highly recommend this event, but bring money and an empty stomach!

Then July 2 was the Stadium of Fire! Janette, TMTHCB, and I went up to the bottom of the Hike the Y trailhead (they had gone up to watch the balloons be launched that morning) and got to see the SoF in a whole new way! In case any of you didn't know, they have released the aerial restrictions here in Utah so there were a bunch of fireworks going on all over the valley. Tayton kept asking, "Is that the finale?" every time a bunch went off at once. When the SoF finally rolled around, we knew it. They were HUGE and it was amazing. Then Janette and I made our way through the crazy traffic, parked and walked to her apartment. I spent the night there and she came to church with me the next afternoon. Fun times!

July 4th was fun, too! The kids marched in the parade, I stayed home and cleaned. Then we got together with family for food and fireworks! Janette's friend Naomi came to watch with us, I hope she had a good time. Admittedly, our family can be a little weird (what with repeating the names of the fireworks and all) but we have fun. It was strange this year, because our fireworks were overshadowed by LOTS of aerial fireworks from the surrounding houses. It was hard to concentrate on our little ones when there are huge blossoms of fire in the sky. :-S Next year I say we don't even spend money on fireworks! Just get a few sparklers and pop-its and watch the show!

A few other things: I've cut my hair, Andrew's Homecoming chain is getting shorter (pic to come, I hope), and we are looking forward to seeing everyone this month! Wow! How time flies!!!