Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time for another post! Questions 342, 332, 161

NOTE: I found an old, unpublished post of mine! Here ya go!

April 20, 2010: Well, my last day of student teaching was last Friday. It was so sweet, we had a pizza party for lunch and had the Big Bowns Drawing for big prizes. I had fun, but I miss "my kids" already!

This week has been and is going to be crazy. I'm doing my last few days of work, cleaning and packing (which at this point seems like it will never end), getting ready for graduation and for the big get-together on Saturday. So much to do!

Okay, on to questions:

Question 342:Write about feeling loved and by whom.

Just feeling loved in general? Wow, there are SO many times I've felt loved...it's hard to just think of one.

Okay, I've got one.

I had some really stressful things going on, had a cough, and I just couldn't sleep. For days. I mean, I was literally getting sick with stress and frustration, but I was still unable to sleep at all. My grandma came in and stayed with me. Now keep in mind she's...well, I don't know how old she is, really, but she's not young enough to stay up all night like us spring chickens, you know? But she came up and stayed with me, rubbing my back and getting me water and making me drink vinegar to help the cough (which was gross, but it worked somewhat). She was probably so tired, and yet she did that for me and it helped. I remember thinking, "Wow. She really loves me." I was able to sleep that night, and was much better then next morning.

Question 332: Write about how a prayer was answered.

This is a hard one, because a lot of those times are pretty personal and sacred. I guess one that was pretty impactful was this time Mommy and Daddy were going to Salt Lake for their anniversary. I prayed for them to be safe and then forgot about it. I was at work laminating when I got a call from Mommy: they'd been in an accident. I just went cold, but Mommy assured me that they were okay, although the car was totaled. The accident happened in such a way that we all knew that they had been protected. I was pretty shaken up, because I had prayed for them to be safe without thinking much about it; I just always pray for them to be safe when they go somewhere. I was really glad my prayer was heard and answered.

Question 161: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully married with a few kids. With some sort of church calling...I'd like to be a stay at home mom at that point, but who knows?