- Prepare for responsibility. You will have it. Take responsibility for your actions, learn to be responsible for what you have and what you are in charge of. Because soon you will be responsible for a lot more.
- Prepare for pressure. Life doesn't get easier as you go along. That's just the way it is. It may seem to get easier as you become accustomed to the pressure, but the pressure doesn't go away. Don't hang on the the promise of college graduation and think it's going to be easy street from there. We live with pressure, and if you don't learn to handle it and be happy you won't be happy.
- Learn to talk to, rely on and love the Lord. He's there to help! When you realize you're not alone and go to Him and can keep that in mind, you will have comfort and be able to hurdle anything life throws at you.
- Learn to take the focus off yourself. Right now is a very self-oriented time. "Satan doesn't care what you think about yourself, so long as you keep thinking about yourself." If you find ways to focus on others during this me-centered college time, it will become a habit and will bless your life. This isn't to say you don't need some me time sometimes, but me time shouldn't be all the time.
- Learn to be grateful. Being grateful automatically makes you think about the good. If you can find something to be grateful for to a person you don't like much, you'll have started thinking about good things about that person. If you can think of one thing to be thankful to God for about your day, you will have started thinking about the good things about your day.
- Be in the world AND not of the world. Don't just "hunker down" and wait for sin to blow over. Be active, be involved. Make the world a better place. But don't fall for this "I must be tolerant of everything" viewpoint so many people have today. The speaker talked about a girl who got herself in trouble because she didn't want to "judge" her boyfriend. She ended up going with him while a drug deal went down and got herself in trouble. Her excuse was "I didn't do the drugs, and thank heaven I didn't judge him!" So many times we're afraid to judge sin as sin! It doesn't mean we have to judge the person as "a bad person," just a person who sins! Just because you like the person doesn't mean you have to like the sin.
Question 150: Do you have a testimony? Write down the things you do believe and you know are true?
I do have a testimony. I know that God lives and loves His children, and me. He knows me personally and wants the best for me. He knows what he's doing and I see so much evidence of that every day! He has a plan for us to be happy, and all of His commandments are to make us happy. He has prophets on the Earth today, the most recent being Thomas S. Monson. Revelation continues today, God still speaks. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is God's gospel restored in it's entirety. I love God, and I know He loves me.
Question 441:What instrument do you wish you could play and why?
I wish I could play the flute and the guitar. The flute is so beautiful and folksy, and yet it can be in marching bands and other types of bands. I love how pretty it sounds when Janette plays it. I wish I could play the guitar because you can sing and accompany yourself. I've always admired teachers who could sing with their classes and play along on the guitar. You could do that on the piano, but a lot of schools don't have a piano and a guitar is portable.
Question 325: What was your least favorite subject in school? What was your favorite?
Growing up, at least in elementary school, I don't think I had a least favorite subject. In high school, because it got harder, I think Chemistry and Calculus were in a way my least favorite, but they were all tough. My favorite subject has always been music. Music in Elementary School, and Choir and Orchestra in High School and Jr. High.