Yesterday was the last day of my solo teaching. I'd post pictures of my students, but I think that's illegal. XP
I'm really going to miss Wasatch. The teachers are really great, I really feel like I have a connection with the school because of Mommy having taught there. Jane, the secretary, even found an old letter of recommendation for Mommy when she was cleaning old files and gave it to me! And my mentor teacher and I are great friends, which just makes everything better.
Today Janette was doing a friend's hair for Preference and used me as a guinea pig. XD She took pics, I'll have to see if I can get them from her and post them. She did a BEAUTIFUL half-updo on me, all curled with rhinestones in it and ULTRA glittery hair spray (Seriously, two sprays of this and I'm STILL having glitter come off every time I shake my head). It only took her 35 minutes to do the whole thing! Anyway, when her friend came she did an even more amazing job on her! Janette has a real talent.
Okay! I have these Personal History Jar Questions to help me hopefully journal/blog/update SOMETHING more. So! Questions 1-3 today!
Question 1: Are there any family heirlooms in your possession? Tell about them and how you came to acquire them.Well, I don't really have anything right now, because parents and grandparents aren't gone yet. XP I don't even know what I "should" get. *shrug* I do have this peach and cream teddy bear I got from Grandpa Bell's house when they were selling his posessions, and a little chair that I think is from my Mom. I have a special little cupboard that I think Grandpa Bell made that was given to me by my Mom (I think). I have some quilts from various people, both sides of the family. I have a blue bowl that was designated to be a family heirloom, and a little round box with angels on it from Grandma Rene (I can't remember who it belonged to before that).
Question 2: Are you involved in any clubs or extracurricular activities?Not really, now. Student Teaching has been eating up all my time. In my spare time I like to read and daydream, usually I get home in time to plan and fall into bed. I like to dress up and to go to the mall with Janette and Alicia. I love to just spend time with family, and I'd like to start cooking a bit more.
Question 3: Describe each member of your family.
Okay, here goes! XD Hope I don't end up inadvertently offending anyone. This is just from what I see or remember or...yeah. This is supposed to be FUN!
Immediate FamilyDaddy: Patient, easygoing, loyal. Totally trustworthy. Solid, not the solid that means "cool," but steady and reliable.
Mommy: Changeable, creative, ULTRA-caring, senstitive, willing, helpful, clean, worryful, loving.
Andrew: A-MA-ZING. Inspiration, growth, funny.
Janette: Miss Personality to the MAX! Makes everywhere you go with her fun. Smiley. Boisterous, tomboy-ish and yet feminine, sort of like Jo in Little Women. Unafraid. Successful. Smart. Talented. A leader. Condfidante. A peacemaker.
Rebecca: Like me. Reader, a bit moody, quiet, mysterious, pokey, beautiful, flexible, serving.
Gordon: Really growing! Troubled, tempermental, teen (ha!), handsome, proud, forgetful, distracted, smart.
Catherine: The baby. Growing just too fast. Beautiful, artistic, flowing, floating, hugs and smiles, fashionista.
Grandmas and GrandpasGrandma Rene: Patient, near-saint, pusher, wise, optimistic, fixer, good listener, tickles backs, caring
Grandpa Fuja: Attention-liker, sensitive, likes to learn and show knowledge, always needs to be "in the know," can't keep a secret (XD), phone dialer, football obsessed (sports obsessed), food lover and talker.
Grandma Bowns: Sensitive, lonely sometimes, loves company, talker and laugher, fun mom.
ExtendedRandy: talker, a little intimidating, teaser, opinion sharer.
Jennifer: fashion setter, great seamstress, involved.
Shayna: Sporty, good mom.
Shantel: Grounded, creative, lucky, finding her feet, fun.
Sharielle: Pretty, impressionable.
Jameson: talkative, opinionated, likes attention and praise.
Alexa: CUTE, princess.
Danette: Fit, care, chill.
Paul: Funny, eyes like Daddy's, talented.
Madison: late-night whispers, fun stories, thoughtful.
Rachel: Talented, athletic, laughing.
Kenya: Tan (!), runner, trampoline-jumper.
Erin: Petite doll, smiley
Matt: Fun boy, friend
Jacob: Conscientious, serious, boy of few words
Tannin: Serious, sensitive, perfectionist, thought-provoking, fun, caring, educational adviser
Megan: Small, bacon-lover, creative, smart, patient, loving
Tayton: SMART, Thomas train-lover, verbal master, curious, thinker, laugher, toe-runner
Hunter: "I WANT!" (ha), fun, dancer, tackler, sporty
Cumorah: knows what she wants, little doll, smiler, has me wrapped around her finger
?: Don't know yet!
Daniel: Confidante, piano-teacher, late nights and sleepovers, the smartest guy I know, patient, an AMAZING laugh that makes me want to laugh too, board game master, nintendo player, ping pong champion, mask scarer, advisor, strappy-shoe buyer.
Wendy: Caring, friend, girl-talk advisor (XD), lovely, so fun
Spencer: Tiny cousin, BIG cousin, funny-face maker, laughter machine, dancer, toddler
Diane and Karen: Barbie players, self-esteem boosters.
Phew! Well, that's about it! I couldn't get EVERYBODY, because the list would be WAY long, but I think I got most of the extended family.
Love you all!